Saturday, December 27, 2014

Blog Purpose & First Entry

I'm Stu, and I want to give back to the anime community beyond the copious amounts of cash sunk into my DVD collection. Since my artistic skills hover around the “oval cloud with eyes from Super Mario” level and I'm far too lazy to devote years of study towards becoming a professional translator/interpreter of Japanese, writing seems the best avenue. It's the medium I have quite a bit of experience in, anyway, and since I think way too much about the anime I watch, typing up reviews is a natural fit for me.

Besides giving, I also want to TAKE more from the community. My personal life, and by extension viewing experience, has always been more or less solitary. I watch things alone, hoard my DVDs, and generally don't “mingle” at conventions like I really should be. This blog is an attempt to break out of my comfortable bubble.

I want your feedback. I want to read about your viewpoints, opinions, and experiences. I want to read your comments concerning how many and what kind of cocks I should suck, because hey, it's the Internet. I can enjoy things in solitude anytime I want, but forming connections with fans is a skill I've been dragging my feet at learning for too long already.

So, here's the deal:

I'll write stuff and post it here. Reviews, mostly, either general impressions or more in-depth analyses of anime shows and movies. Possibly some brief remarks concerning an ongoing trend, once in a while. There'll be a focus on quantity over quality to get me in the habit of writing quick and often.

You'll read it, leave comments (preferably in that order), maybe even show it to friends. I'll respond to those comments, and hopefully we can get our own little community going here. We'll all meet new people, learn about cool new shit, and form those connections that take one's love for a genre to a whole new level.

1 comment:

  1. Awesome!! Looking forward to reading your blog ^_^ Thanks for the link, I'll spread it around as best I can :)
