Friday, September 9, 2016

Still Alive

 Hey, all

Uh, so you may have noticed that I haven't been writing much lately...

Long story short, this summer's turned out to be as busy as I've ever had. I'm working a lot more hours than before, and my place of employment is holding more and bigger summer events than before. Tack on a visit to my family, and I've barely had time to decompress given that my days off typically come one at a time.

Also! Remember when I joked about diving headfirst into Fist of the North Star? That's another reason I haven't been as active here or elsewhere. Those 152 episodes really took a lot out of me, and I mean that in the best way possible. I've been devoting most of my attention at this series over the past few weeks rather than the current mediocre season, so look forward to a write-up on my experience as I attempt to collect all my thoughts. Maybe it'll have to be in several parts.

Basically, I'm back, and I'm trying to get back to my past level of output. Can't wait to stretch those writing muscles again.

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